Final Tentative Agreement - 6/14/24
Interim Agreement - 6/14/24
Tentative Agreement - 6/13/24
Union Proposal - AM | PM 6/13/24
Employer Response - 6/13/24
Union Proposal - 5/30/24
Employer Response - 5/30/24
Union Proposal - 5/29/24
Employer Response AM | PM - 5/29/24
Union Proposal - 5/16/24
Employer Response - 5/16/24
Bargaining Update (6/13/2024)
Today, we reached a deal with Fairview and we have our first union contract! We are grateful that negotiations went quickly and smoothly and feel hopeful about the improvements to our working conditions. Some of the contract highlights include:
- 4% wage increase for ALL HUCs
- Inclusion in the pension fund
- Improvements to vacation, holiday, and PTO
- Scheduling language that allows us to work with managers in deciding how many hours we work
- And so much more! View the full tentative agreement for all the details.
What’s next: We need all HUCs to sign up TODAY to officially become SEIU Healthcare MN & IA union members and consider donating to COPE (Committee on Political Engagement) which gives SEIU members power in politics and elections.
Then, next week, we all need to VOTE on the Tentative CBA – Collective Bargaining Agreement that was reached. We, the bargaining team, recommend a YES vote, as we fought to get the best contract we could for all HUCs. We’ll be hosting an in-person contract ratification vote on Thursday, 6/20 from 10am-4pm in the Washington Conference Room at FV Riverside. We’ll have SEIU gear and be available to answer questions and review the TA with everyone. Reach out with any questions and thank you for standing with us!
Bargaining Update (5/30/2024)
We had another productive day of bargaining today and are close to having our first union contract settled! We started the day presenting our counter proposals including a wage scale to the employer. With their response, we reached more TAs but we have 3 big items open still – wages, pension, and the LOU on scheduling. We will continue to push on these and hope to reach a fair agreement at our next bargaining session on Thursday, June 13th.
Bargaining team members will be on site with SEIU Internal Organizer, Amy Borgman, on June 4th from 9-11am in Dining Room D by the cafeteria, to discuss bargaining updates, share information on the pension, and distribute SEIU t-shirts and buttons so we can stand united and show the employer our power. Let’s all wear purple SEIU gear on June 12th to stand together and show support as we go into bargaining the next morning!
Bargaining Update (5/29/2024)
Fairview started the day by responding to the remaining proposals that we had presented at our first bargaining session.
We’ve made a lot of headway so far and have tentative agreements (TAs) on articles 1-4, 8, 9, 21 and offered a “Package” Drop Proposal to the Extant Agreement on Articles 12, 14, 16 and are holding on Extant Agreement on Articles 5, 6, 7, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22. View both the employer’s and union’s proposals linked above for more details about the specific articles.
The team had an opportunity to share what our experiences have been since we’ve had changes to our schedules since the beginning of the year. We’re working toward something that would feel more reciprocal with the employer and anticipate reaching an agreement that will work for everyone. It was encouraging to be heard by the employer in sharing our frustrations. And they agreed that there were issues with scheduling. On that matter, we counter-proposed with a Letter of Understanding that outlines the opportunity to have a Labor Management Meeting (LMC) to touch base on how schedules are playing out and flexible scheduling language regarding 8 and 12 hour shifts.
The employer came back with counter proposals in the afternoon and we reached TAs on our LOU with small changes to the language, articles 5, 6, 7 (improvements to our holiday, sick leave and vacation benefits!) and they proposed a wage scale that basically replicates the SEIU member HUCs scale at Fairview St. John’s Hospital. This is what we anticipated they would come back with. As some of our coworkers are overscale according to that proposal, we will continue to push for higher across the board wage scales in our bargaining session tomorrow.
We’ll present our counterproposals to Fairview tomorrow morning and will send another update after the session. We’re feeling hopeful! Reach out to us if you have any questions.
Your Bargaining Team
Rebeca Harrypersaud
Lisa Howe
Nancy Jones
Mick Patterson
Bargaining Update (5/16/2024)
We had our first day of bargaining with Fairview today. We started the day by presenting our initial proposal, which was a Letter of Understanding (LOU) that included changes we’d like to see based on the existing, or, extant, Collective Bargaining Agreement at Fairview M Health UMMC.
Fairview also prefaced that they had “planned merit-based increases” happening in June for non-union employees. We responded that we want to negotiate over this increase/change to the status quo. We are not unwilling to agree to an increase prior to reaching a full agreement but propose that there be a 5% increase applied across-the-board for all HUCs.
Regarding scheduling, Fairview countered that they be able to change schedules from 8-hours to 12-hours without working with the union on these changes. We will continue to push for scheduling language that is fair and equitable for all HUCs.
The employer was not interested in making improvements to our holiday, PTO or leaves of absence, which was disappointing. We will continue to fight for these throughout negotiations.
The employer responded to nine articles of our proposal and will hopefully respond to the remaining items at our next bargaining session on May 29th. Reach out to us with any concerns and stay engaged! We’ll keep fighting for all HUCs and we’ll post another update after the next bargaining session.
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Rebeca Harrypersaud
Lisa Howe
Nancy Jones
McJagger Patterson
Bargaining Update (4/24/24)
The Bargaining Team that will be representing the HUCs in upcoming negotiations is Rebeca Harrypersaud, Lisa Howe, Nancy Jones and Mick Patterson.
We met on 4/20 to discuss final thoughts and proposals to prepare for entering negotiations soon. We haven’t settled on any bargaining dates with Fairview yet but anticipate a response soon. We also have a Contract Action Team (CAT) to support in getting information to and from the bargaining team. That team is Michael Burns, Karyl Barnes, Obsession Green, Lorelle Hall, and Alissa Schmitz.
We’re determined to fight and win the best contract for all HUCs at FV UMMC!
We’ll post another update when we begin negotiations. Keep checking this campaign update page and reach out to us or CAT members in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns.
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Team
Rebeca Harrypersaud
Lisa Howe
Nancy Jones
Mick Patterson
Hello and congratulations on your recent union victory at M Health Fairview University of Minnesota and welcome to SEIU Healthcare MN & IA!
As we begin the process of securing your first union contract, we need to hear from you! Please fill out this bargaining survey ( so we know what key issues you all are facing at work, how to address them in negotiations, and who you want to represent your group on the bargaining team.
Please fill out the survey by end of day Friday, March 8 by 5PM