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SMH Bargaining

St. Mary's Hospital Bargaining

Update - September 17

As you may know, St. Mary’s union members are still waiting on getting a date scheduled for their arbitration hearing that is coming out of their contract bargaining from earlier this year. Here is an update and an ask that we have for all of you to be able to help them in their fight!

The neutral arbitrator has been selected. His name is Marlin Osthus, and he is a former agent with the National Labor Relations Board, which bodes well for us as his former job was to argue in favor of workers’ union protections. Our person on the arbitration will be Jamie Gulley, our union president. Mayo also has selected their person for the arbitration panel as well, and he is a notorious anti-union lawyer named Marko Mrkonich. You can read about him here: https://www.littler.com/people/marko-j-mrkonich

Since that point in time, we have been trying to get dates scheduled for the arbitration hearing as well as for a pre-hearing meeting. Our side and the neutral arbitrator have been very open with our schedules to get this done ASAP, however Mayo’s lawyer that is arguing their case, Noah Lipschultz (read about him here: https://www.littler.com/people/noah-g-lipschultz), has been stalling at every step of the way despite the best attempts of our Union lawyer to put pressure on him.

This is what we are asking you to do:

If Mayo’s lawyer Noah Lipschultz is not going to prioritize his time for us, we must show him why he needs to. We have set up a program that has a pre-written email message to Mr. Lipschultz, all you need to do is add your name and it will send an individual email to him saying the following language:

“I am writing to let you know that I am disappointed in your continued attempts to stall the arbitration hearing with our Union at Mayo St. Mary’s. It is insulting to us that this is not a priority for you and we demand that you schedule arbitration dates NOW for a date to happen ASAP. We are the ones who do the work to make this hospital run, and every day that you stall is another day that we are prevented from gaining the improvements to our workplace and wages that we and our patients deserve. We have been willing to work with you for months, and we can’t allow this to continue anymore. Do the right thing and schedule our arbitration dates now!”

You can also personalize the email if you like. It will also be sent to Mayo’s head of labor relations Jeff Zahnle, who was one of the negotiators at the bargaining table. You may remember him from a few emails he sent out in June.

WE NEED EVERYONE TO SEND EMAILS AS SOON AS WE CAN! Please spread the word with your coworkers, your family, and your friends. This can be shared far and wide! We need to send a message that they HAVE to prioritize us!

Here is the link to the form: Stop Stalling our Arbitration! (everyaction.com)

In solidarity,

Your union bargaining team

Bargaining Update - June 7, 2024

Hello SMH Union members,

We have an important update for you about our current contract negotiations from yesterday, 6/6.

We met with Mayo’s negotiating team yesterday. At the beginning of the day we let them know that we needed them to seriously come up on their wages and do more to acknowledge our non-economic proposals or else we would need to take what is on the table at the end of the day to a vote of the membership on whether or not to go to arbitration. It seemed like their team did not take this statement seriously, as their following proposals were even more insulting than the last.

In our second pass of the day, we told them that we are not able to move any more on wages in the first year of the contract as we need to make up for the difference between RMH and SMH post-RMH wage opener, as well as a fair raise for this year and make up for 2023’s non-union raise that was unjustly denied to us. The employer’s response was to say that they would not be able to bring us another proposal until we would move on those wages. They also demanded that we agree to a 3 year contract. So far in negotiations the team has been asking for a 2 year contract for various reasons, one of which being that we don’t trust Mayo to do the right thing while we are locked into a 3 year contract as we were in the last contract. Mayo’s negotiating team stated that having a 3 year contract is a core demand of theirs and that a 2 year contract is a non-starter for them. We made it clear that if they wanted us to agree to 3 years they would need to buy that from us by coming in with something significant for that 3rd year. When they came back with no increase to their 3rd year proposal, we knew that they were not serious about doing anything to get us to agree to that.

When it came time for their turn to put a proposal across the table at the end of the day, they refused and stated that they wanted to wait until our next scheduled bargaining session on June 20th. After much consideration, our team made the decision that based on Mayo’s actions over the past few months in bargaining, we did not think it would be a good use of time to trust that they would come back to us with anything on the 20th since they already stated that our wages and contract duration proposals were non-starters for them. Facing a deadlock in bargaining, the team has decided that we would like to go to arbitration.

We have talked about arbitration a lot in the past few weeks because of the vote on the supplemental agreement that we had on the 5/29. Although union members overwhelmingly and enthusiastically voted to not re-sign it, that will not go into effect until the end of our next contract. As we still have a supplemental agreement in place for our 2021-2024 contract, we do not currently have the right to strike and still have the option to take things to arbitration.

Before we move forward to arbitration, we will be having a vote of the membership to decide that together. The vote will be held next Thursday, June 13th in the employee cafeteria from 6am-5pm. The question on the ballot will be “Do you accept Mayo Clinic’s current proposal?” The options will be 1. Yes, accept Mayo’s current proposal on the table, or 2. No, reject the current proposal and move to arbitration. The bargaining team is firmly recommending that union members vote NO during this election, and it is imperative that we show Mayo that we are disgusted by their offers and will not allow them to bully us any longer.

In order to be informed on what you will be voting on, please visit the following links to view the employer’s current proposal, as well as the Union’s current proposals that are still open that we will be taking to arbitration.

For more information on arbitration, check out the supplemental agreement FAQ posted on the SMH bargaining update page in past weeks. Please look our for more information as we get closer to the vote date!

In solidarity,
Your Union bargaining team

Bargaining Update - May 31, 2024

We met as a bargaining team with Mayo’s negotiators yesterday 5/30. One of their negotiators is Jeff Zahnle, director of labor relations, who is the person that sent out the email to you all on Tuesday. I want to reiterate that he is the person who’s job is fully to make sure that union members receive as little as possible in order to maintain Mayo’s control and increase the profits they make. Despite this, we were able to secure increases to the uniform and shoe allowance, but other than that, almost all of their proposals continue to be drop for drops, which means that they will drop some of their proposals if we back down on our core demands of capping mandatory overtime, improving training processes, floating holidays, and restrictions on travelers in surgery. We are also fighting about the duration of the contract. Wages were also a frustrating conversation, as the employer ended with 3.5% the first year, 1.5% the second year, and 2.25% the third year. We find this insulting.

As you probably have heard by now, our vote on Wednesday to empower the bargaining committee to not sign the supplemental agreement went overwhelmingly, 91%, in favor on NOT signing the supplemental agreement and gaining the right to strike at the end of our next contract. Please see previous updates for more details on what that means. For this round of negotiations however, we do not have the right to strike and maintain the right to interest arbitration.

Since our main tool to gain the things we need in this round of bargaining is still arbitration, this is something that is on the table for us. We have another bargaining session scheduled for next Thursday, 6/6, and will send out another update after that session.

If you have questions feel free to reach out to your Union organizer Hallie Wallace, or any member of the bargaining committee that represents your classification.

In solidarity,
Your union bargaining team

Bargaining Update - May 29, 2024

The vote on our supplemental agreement at Saint Mary’s Hospital concluded earlier tonight at 9:00PM. The results are in: members voted as an overwhelming majority of 91% to NOT re-sign the supplemental agreement, opting to gain the right to strike in the future instead of retaining the arbitration process that has been in place for many decades. 

This means:

We will be back at the table tomorrow, May 30th, attempting to reach an agreement with Mayo on our next contract. Your bargaining team is committed to negotiating the best contract we can including as much money as possible for the hardworking frontline employees who make this hospital run.

We will have an update for you on Friday about how bargaining goes on the 30th. More to come soon!

Bargaining Update - May 24, 2024

(Bosnian, Somali, Vietnamese, Spanish, and Amharic below)

Key Links:

Supplemental Agreement Video (English with subtitles): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SFLqjIXepwHb72mu7IYTzLjYppgGyDbK/view?usp=sharing

Vídeo del Acuerdo Suplementario (Español): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EEIS884qkk0AZnkLba7MU9JWzms-MqUf/view?usp=sharing

Video Heshiiska Kabka Ah (Soomali): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aR73eSQGhyNnE5cj1pENUwjylpjIMhHQ/view?usp=drive_link

Supplemental Agreement Info Session Recording with Captions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18CbFBNvPxfnS8skyNWw-lKm62L-T2VEt/view?usp=drive_link

Picket sign up commitment form: SMH Info Picket Commit (jotform.com)

Google Drive with Supplemental Agreement FAQs in English, Soomali, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Amharic: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tSIxteBKAadSo5rabU9O6V5-8_tBrjMR?usp=drive_link

We were in bargaining again yesterday 5/23 with the employer. We are unhappy to report that it was an incredibly frustrating and disappointing day. They are still not addressing our core demands, and have robotic responses to our members’ stories of how difficult things are in the hospital and how it is affecting people’s lives and livelihoods. Their wage proposals were insulting – they only came up 1% over three years, and their final proposal was 3.5%, 1.5%, and 1.5 %. We know that this is the time for us to get serious in our pressure on the employer and that is why we need ALL of you to participate in putting on that pressure. There are two incredibly important events happening next week that are so, so important for people to participate in to do this.

The first is our picket planned for next Tuesday, May 28th from 2:30-5:30pm. If you are on the fence about coming, COME! We need a strong showing to let Mayo know that we are serious and won’t back down, and that the entire bargaining unit is behind our demands, that it is not just us at the table saying these things. You can come before or after work, or on your break even for 15 minutes! If we want a good contract, we need everyone to make the time for this! This is an important way to show our strength that we would have if we decide to strike in the future after our next contract if our vote on the supplemental agreement goes through (more on that below). There is a rally at 3:45 as well, so that will be an important time to come if you can only come for a little bit. Bring your coworkers, you family, and your friends! All are welcome. Here is the link to the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/760986192770622/

The next important event happening next week is our vote on whether or not we want to re-sign the supplemental agreement that gives us the right to arbitration in exchange for our right to strike. We have been sending out information about this and spread it around the hospital, but if you need to review it, check out the links above at the top of this update. Having the right to strike is an incredibly important tool for workers to put pressure on employers to do the right thing. Even if we don’t strike, the threat of a strong and organized group even threatening a strike is often times enough for an employer to meet the demands of a union. That is why the bargaining team is recommending that people vote NO to re-sign the supplemental agreement, which would give us the right to strike in the future.

The ballot will say “Do you support signing the supplemental agreement?” The options will be “Yes – keep the right to arbitration”, and “No – gain the right to strike”. The bargaining team is urging union members to vote NO in order to gain the right to strike. Voting will begin on the picket line on 5/28 from 2:30-5:30, and will start again the next day, Wednesday, May 29th, and will be from 6am-9pm in the employee cafeteria so we can cover all shifts. There will also be voting at MIC and the 3939 building, more information on that will be sent out to those classifications your Mayo email. It is so incredibly important that EVERYONE comes out to vote to show Mayo our strength and resolve and our willingness to fight to gain what we deserve! It takes 3 minutes of your time to have an impact on our futures and our families’ futures.

Please take the time to go over the informational links above and if you have more questions reach out to your bargaining team members that represent your classifications!

PCAs: Mike Szynal, Nicole Bacon, Deb Schwemmer, Karrie Ellingson, Kim Finley, Emily Pavon, Alonso Molina

SS SPTs: Jen Santos Norgren, Joe Cortez, Kirsten Schultz

CSTs: Ashley Rohwer, Sam Bright, Kari Fitch

CS SPTs: Torey Edwards, Alex Skudlarek

Linen: Tracey Pollock

MIC: Brandon Acker, John Madsen

Escorts: Kayla Mabe

EVS Techs: Will Kleinhans, Abdisatar Bashir, Rachel Weaver

Janitors: Deb Warehime, Cheryl Tran

In solidarity,

Your Union Bargaining Team


Poštovani članovi SMH sindikata,

(bosanski, somalijski, vijetnamski, španski i amharski ispod)

Ključni linkovi:

Video o dodatnom ugovoru (engleski sa titlovima): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SFLqjIXepwHb72mu7IYTzLjYppgGyDbK/view?usp=sharing

Vídeo del Acuerdo Suplementario (Español): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EEIS884qkk0AZnkLba7MU9JWzms-MqUf/view?usp=sharing

Video Heshiiska Kabka Ah (Soomali): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aR73eSQGhyNnE5cj1pENUwjylpjIMhHQ/view?usp=drive_link

Snimanje sesije sa informacijama o dodatnom ugovoru sa titlovima: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18CbFBNvPxfnS8skyNWw-lKm62L-T2VEt/view?usp=drive_link

Obrazac za prijavu na Picket: SMH Info Picket Commit (jotform.com)

Google disk sa Dopunskim ugovorom Česta pitanja na engleskom, soomalskom, španskom, vijetnamskom i amharskom: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tSIxteBKAadSo5rabU9O6V5-8_tBrjMR?usp=drive_link

Ponovo smo se cjenkali jučer 23.5. sa poslodavcem. Nesretni smo što možemo izvijestiti da je to bio nevjerovatno frustrirajući i razočaravajući dan. Oni još uvijek ne ispunjavaju naše osnovne zahtjeve i imaju robotske odgovore na priče naših članova o tome koliko su teške stvari u bolnici i kako to utječe na živote i egzistenciju ljudi. Njihovi prijedlozi za plate bili su uvredljivi – za tri godine su porasli samo 1%, a njihov konačni prijedlog je bio 3,5%, 1,5% i 1,5%. Znamo da je vrijeme da se uozbiljimo u svom pritisku na poslodavca i zato nam je potrebno da SVI učestvujete u vršenju tog pritiska. Sljedeće sedmice se dešavaju dva nevjerovatno važna događaja koji su toliko važni da ljudi učestvuju u tome.

Prvi je naš piket planiran za sljedeći utorak, 28. maja od 14:30 do 17:30. Ako ste spremni za dolazak, DOĐITE! Potreban nam je snažan dojam da bismo Mayou dali do znanja da smo ozbiljni i da nećemo odustati, te da cijela jedinica za pregovaranje stoji iza naših zahtjeva, da ne govorimo samo mi za stolom. Možete doći prije ili poslije posla, ili na pauzi čak i na 15 minuta! Ako želimo dobar ugovor, potrebno je da svi odvoje vrijeme za ovo! Ovo je važan način da pokažemo našu snagu koju bismo imali ako odlučimo da štrajkujemo u budućnosti nakon našeg sljedećeg ugovora ako prođe naše glasanje o dodatnom sporazumu (više o tome u nastavku). U 3:45 je i miting, tako da će to biti važan trenutak da dođete ako možete doći samo na kratko. Povedite svoje kolege, porodicu i prijatelje! Svi su dobrodošli. Evo linka na facebook događaj: https://www.facebook.com/events/760986192770622/

Sljedeći važan događaj koji će se dogoditi sljedeće sedmice je naše glasanje o tome da li želimo ili ne ponovo potpišemo dopunski sporazum koji nam daje pravo na arbitražu u zamjenu za naše pravo na štrajk. Šaljemo informacije o ovome i širimo ih po bolnici, ali ako trebate da ih pregledate, pogledajte linkove iznad na vrhu ovog ažuriranja. Pravo na štrajk je izuzetno važno sredstvo za radnike da izvrše pritisak na poslodavce da urade pravu stvar. Čak i ako ne štrajkujemo, prijetnja snažne i organizirane grupe koja čak i prijeti štrajkom često je dovoljna da poslodavac ispuni zahtjeve sindikata. Zato pregovarački tim preporučuje da ljudi glasaju NE za ponovno potpisivanje dopunskog sporazuma, što bi nam dalo pravo na štrajk u budućnosti.

Glasački listić će glasiti "Da li podržavate potpisivanje dopunskog sporazuma?" Opcije će biti “Da – zadržati pravo na arbitražu” i “Ne – steći pravo na štrajk”. Pregovarački tim poziva članove sindikata da glasaju NE kako bi stekli pravo na štrajk. Glasanje će početi na liniji za proteste 28. 5. od 2:30 do 5:30, a počet će ponovo sutradan, u srijedu, 29. maja, i bit će od 6 do 21 sat u kafeteriji za zaposlene kako bismo mogli pokriti sve smjene . Također će se glasati u MIC-u i zgradi 3939, više informacija o tome će biti poslano na te klasifikacije u vašu Mayo e-poštu. Toliko je nevjerovatno važno da SVI izađu da glasaju kako bi pokazali Mayo našu snagu i odlučnost i našu spremnost da se borimo da dobijemo ono što zaslužujemo! Potrebno je 3 minuta vašeg vremena da utičete na našu budućnost i budućnost naših porodica.

Odvojite vrijeme da prijeđete na gornje informativne veze i ako imate još pitanja obratite se članovima svog tima za pregovaranje koji predstavljaju vaše klasifikacije!

PCA: Mike Szynal, Nicole Bacon, Deb Schwemmer, Karrie Ellingson, Kim Finley, Emily Pavon, Alonso Molina

SS SPT: Jen Santos Norgren, Joe Cortez, Kirsten Schultz

CSTs: Ashley Rohwer, Sam Bright, Kari Fitch

CS SPT: Torey Edwards, Alex Skudlarek

Posteljina: Tracey Pollock

MIC: Brandon Acker, John Madsen

Pratnja: Kayla Mabe

EVS Techs: Will Kleinhans, Abdisatar Bashir, Rachel Weaver

Domari: Deb Warehime, Cheryl Tran

u znak solidarnosti,

Vaš sindikalni tim za pregovaranje


Salaan xubnaha ururka SMH,

(Bosniyan, Soomaali, Fiyatnaamiis, Isbaanish, iyo Amxaari hoos)

Xiriirinta Muhiimka ah:

Fiidiyowga Heshiiska Dheeraadka ah (Ingiriis oo leh qoraal-hoosaadyo): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SFLqjIXepwHb72mu7IYTzLjYppgGyDbK/view?usp=sharing

Vídeo del Acuerdo Suplementario (Español): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EEIS884qkk0AZnkLba7MU9JWzms-MqUf/view?usp=sharing

Video Heshiiska Kabka Ah (Soomali): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aR73eSQGhyNnE5cj1pENUwjylpjIMhHQ/view?usp=drive_link

Kulanka Xogta Heshiiska Dheeraadka ah Duubista qoraallo leh: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18CbFBNvPxfnS8skyNWw-lKm62L-T2VEt/view?usp=drive_link

Foomka ballan-qaadka is-diiwaangelinta: SMH Info Picket Commit (jotform.com)

Google Drive oo leh Heshiis Dheeraad ah FAQs Ingiriisi, Soomali, Isbaanish, Fiyatnaamiis, iyo Amxaari: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tSIxteBKAadSo5rabU9O6V5-8_tBrjMR?usp=drive_link

Waxaan mar kale la gorgortannay shaqabixiyaha shalay 5/23. Annagu kuma faraxsanayn inaan soo sheegno inay ahayd maalin niyad-jab iyo niyad-jab leh oo cajiib ah. Wali kama ay qaban baahiyadeena asaasiga ah, waxayna leeyihiin jawaabo roboti ah oo ku saabsan sheekooyinka xubnaheena ee ku saabsan sida ay arrimuhu ugu adag yihiin cusbitaalka iyo sida ay u saameeyaan nolosha iyo hab-nololeedyada dadka. Soo jeedintoodii mushaharka waxay ahayd cay - kaliya waxay soo baxeen 1% saddex sano gudahood, soo jeedintoodii ugu dambaysay waxay ahayd 3.5%, 1.5%, iyo 1.5 %. Waxaan ognahay in waqtigan la joogo la joogo waqtigii aan si dhab ah u qaadan lahayn cadaadiskayada loo shaqeeyaha waana sababta aan ugu baahanahay dhammaantiin inaad ka qaybqaadataan cadaadiskaas. Waxaa jira laba dhacdo oo muhiim ah oo dhacaya usbuuca soo socda, kuwaas oo aad muhiim ugu ah dadku inay ka qaybqaataan si ay tan u sameeyaan.

Ka hore waa bakhtiyaa-nasiibka la qorsheeyay Talaadada soo socota, Meey 28-keeda laga bilaabo 2:30-5:30 galabnimo. Haddii aad ku jirto xayndaabka imaatinka, KAalay! Waxaan u baahannahay bandhig xooggan si aan u ogeysiino Mayo inaan nahay kuwa dhab ah oo aan dib uga laaban doonin, iyo in dhammaan qaybta gorgortanka ay ka dambeeyaan dalabaadkayada, in aysan ahayn annaga oo kaliya miiska in aan dhahno waxyaalahan. Waxaad iman kartaa kahor ama kadib shaqada, ama nasashadaada xitaa 15 daqiiqo! Haddii aan rabno qandaraas wanaagsan, waxaan u baahanahay qof walba inuu waqti u sameeyo tan! Tani waa hab muhiim ah oo lagu muujinayo awoodeena inaan haysano haddii aan go'aansanno inaan shaqo joojin mustaqbalka ka dib qandaraaskeena soo socda haddii codkeena heshiiska dheeriga ah uu dhaco (wax badan oo ku saabsan hoos). Waxa jira isu soo bax 3:45 sidoo kale, markaa taasi waxay noqon doontaa wakhti muhiim ah oo soo socda haddii aad iman karto wax yar. Keen asxaabtaada, qoyskaaga, iyo asxaabtaada! Dhammaan waa la soo dhawaynayaa. Waa kan isku xirka dhacdada facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/760986192770622/

Dhacdada soo socota ee muhiimka ah ee dhici doonta toddobaadka soo socda waa codeyntayada haddii aan dooneyno inaan dib u saxiixno heshiiska dheeriga ah ee na siinaya xaqa aan u leenahay dhexdhexaadinta beddelka xuquuqdayada shaqo joojinta. Waanu dirnay macluumaadka arrintan ku saabsan oo aanu ku faafinnay agagaarka cisbitaalka, laakiin haddii aad u baahan tahay inaad dib u eegto, ka eeg xidhiidhada sare ee sare ee warkan. Inaad xaq u leedahay shaqo-joojin waa qalab aad muhiim u ah shaqaalaha si ay cadaadis ugu saaraan loo shaqeeyaha inay sameeyaan waxa saxda ah. Xitaa haddii aynaan shaqo joojin, hanjabaadda koox xooggan oo abaabulan xitaa hanjabaad shaqo-joojin ayaa marar badan ku filan loo-shaqeeyaha si uu u buuxiyo shuruudaha ururka. Taasi waa sababta kooxda gorgortanka ay u soo jeedinayaan in dadku u codeeyaan MAYA si ay dib ugu saxeexaan heshiiska dheeriga ah, taas oo na siinaysa xuquuqda shaqo joojinta mustaqbalka.

Warqada cod bixinta ayaa odhan doonta "Ma taageersan tahay saxeexa heshiiska kaabista?" Ikhtiyaarada ayaa noqon doona "Haa - ilaali xaqa dhexdhexaadinta", iyo "Maya - xaq u yeelasho shaqo joojin". Kooxda gorgortanka ayaa ku boorinaysa xubnaha ururka inay u codeeyaan MAYA si ay u helaan xaqa shaqo joojinta. Codbixintu waxay bilaaban doontaa khadka picket 5/28 laga bilaabo 2:30-5:30, waxayna mar labaad bilaaban doontaa maalinta xigta, Arbacada, Meey 29-keeda, waxayna noqon doontaa 6am-9pm kafateeriyada shaqaalaha si aan u daboolno dhammaan xilliyada shaqada. . Waxaa sidoo kale codayn ka dhici doonta MIC iyo dhismaha 3939, macluumaad dheeraad ah oo taas ku saabsan waxaa loo diri doona kala soocida emailkaaga Mayo. Aad bay muhiim u tahay in qof kastaa u soo baxo si uu u codeeyo si uu u muujiyo Mayga xooggeena iyo go'aankeena iyo rabitaankeena inaan u dagaalano si aan u helno waxa aan u qalano! Waxay qaadanaysaa 3 daqiiqo oo wakhtigaaga ah si aad saamayn ugu yeelato mustaqbalkayaga iyo mustaqbalka qoyskayaga.

Fadlan qaado wakhti aad ku dul marto xidhiidhada macluumaadka ee sare oo haddii aad hayso su'aalo dheeraad ah la xidhiidh xubnaha kooxda gorgortanka ee matalaya kala-soocidaada!

PCA-yada: Mike Szynal, Nicole Bacon, Deb Schwemmer, Karrie Ellingson, Kim Finley, Emily Pavon, Alonso Molina

SS SPTs: Jen Santos Norgren, Joe Cortez, Kirsten Schultz

CST-yada: Ashley Rohwer, Sam Bright, Kari Fitch

CS SPTs: Torey Edwards, Alex Skudlarek

Linen: Tracey Pollock

MIC: Brandon Acker, John Madsen

Galbisay: Kayla Mabe

EVS Techs: Will Kleinhans, Abdisatar Bashir, Rachel Weaver

Ilaaliyeyaasha: Deb Warehime, Cheryl Tran

Isku duubni,

Kooxda gorgortanka Ururkaaga


Hola miembros del sindicato SMH,

(Bosnio, somalí, vietnamita, español y amárico a continuación)

Enlaces clave:

Video del acuerdo complementario (inglés con subtítulos): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SFLqjIXepwHb72mu7IYTzLjYppgGyDbK/view?usp=sharing

Vídeo del Acuerdo Suplementario (Español): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EEIS884qkk0AZnkLba7MU9JWzms-MqUf/view?usp=sharing

Vídeo Heshiiska Kabka Ah (somali): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aR73eSQGhyNnE5cj1pENUwjylpjIMhHQ/view?usp=drive_link

Información adicional sobre el acuerdo Grabación de sesiones con subtítulos: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18CbFBNvPxfnS8skyNWw-lKm62L-T2VEt/view?usp=drive_link

Formulario de compromiso de registro de piquete: SMH Info Picket Commit (jotform.com)

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Google Drive con acuerdo complementario en inglés, soomali, español, vietnamita y amárico: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tSIxteBKAadSo5rabU9O6V5-8_tBrjMR?usp=drive_link

Estuvimos nuevamente en negociación ayer 23/05 con el empleador. Lamentamos informar que fue un día increíblemente frustrante y decepcionante. Todavía no abordan nuestras demandas principales y tienen respuestas robóticas a las historias de nuestros miembros sobre lo difíciles que son las cosas en el hospital y cómo está afectando las vidas y los medios de subsistencia de las personas. Sus propuestas salariales eran insultantes: sólo aumentaron un 1% en tres años, y su propuesta final fue del 3,5%, 1,5% y 1,5%. Sabemos que este es el momento de que tomemos en serio nuestra presión sobre el empleador y es por eso que necesitamos que TODOS ustedes participen para ejercer esa presión. Hay dos eventos increíblemente importantes que tendrán lugar la próxima semana y que son muy, muy importantes para que la gente participe para hacer esto.

El primero es nuestro piquete previsto para el próximo martes 28 de mayo de 2:30 a 5:30 p.m. Si no estás seguro de venir, ¡VEN! Necesitamos una actuación contundente para que Mayo sepa que hablamos en serio y que no daremos marcha atrás, y que toda la unidad de negociación respalda nuestras demandas, que no somos sólo nosotros los que estamos en la mesa diciendo estas cosas. ¡Puedes venir antes o después del trabajo, o en tu descanso de 15 minutos! Si queremos un buen contrato, ¡necesitamos que todos se tomen el tiempo para ello! Esta es una manera importante de mostrar la fuerza que tendríamos si decidimos hacer una huelga en el futuro después de nuestro próximo contrato si se aprueba nuestra votación sobre el acuerdo complementario (más sobre esto a continuación). También hay un rally a las 3:45, por lo que será un momento importante si solo puedes venir por un rato. ¡Trae a tus compañeros de trabajo, a tu familia y a tus amigos! Todos son bienvenidos. Aquí está el enlace al evento de facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/760986192770622/

El próximo evento importante que tendrá lugar la próxima semana es nuestra votación sobre si queremos o no volver a firmar el acuerdo complementario que nos otorga el derecho de arbitraje a cambio de nuestro derecho de huelga. Hemos estado enviando información sobre esto y difundiéndola por todo el hospital, pero si necesita revisarla, consulte los enlaces que se encuentran arriba en la parte superior de esta actualización. Tener derecho a huelga es una herramienta increíblemente importante para que los trabajadores presionen a los empleadores para que hagan lo correcto. Incluso si no hacemos huelga, la amenaza de un grupo fuerte y organizado que incluso amenace con una huelga es a menudo suficiente para que un empleador cumpla con las demandas de un sindicato. Es por eso que el equipo negociador recomienda que la gente vote NO para volver a firmar el acuerdo complementario, lo que nos daría derecho a huelga en el futuro.

La boleta dirá “¿Apoya usted la firma del acuerdo complementario?” Las opciones serán “Sí – conservar el derecho de arbitraje” y “No – obtener el derecho de huelga”. El equipo negociador insta a los miembros del sindicato a votar NO para obtener el derecho de huelga. La votación comenzará en el piquete el 28 de mayo de 2:30 a 5:30 y comenzará nuevamente al día siguiente, miércoles 29 de mayo, y será de 6 am a 9 pm en la cafetería de empleados para que podamos cubrir todos los turnos. . También habrá votación en el MIC y en el edificio 3939; se enviará más información al respecto a esas clasificaciones en su correo electrónico de Mayo. ¡Es increíblemente importante que TODOS salgan a votar para mostrarle a Mayo nuestra fuerza y determinación y nuestra voluntad de luchar para ganar lo que merecemos! Se necesitan 3 minutos de su tiempo para tener un impacto en nuestro futuro y el de nuestras familias.

Tómese el tiempo para revisar los enlaces informativos anteriores y, si tiene más preguntas, comuníquese con los miembros de su equipo de negociación que representan sus clasificaciones.

PCA: Mike Szynal, Nicole Bacon, Deb Schwemmer, Karrie Ellingson, Kim Finley, Emily Pavon, Alonso Molina

Subcomités SS: Jen Santos Norgren, Joe Cortez, Kirsten Schultz

CST: Ashley Rohwer, Sam Bright, Kari Fitch

SPT de CS: Torey Edwards, Alex Skudlarek

Lino: Tracey Pollock

Micrófono: Brandon Acker, John Madsen

escorts: Kayla Mabe

Técnicos de EVS: Will Kleinhans, Abdisatar Bashir, Rachel Weaver

Conserjes: Deb Warehime, Cheryl Tran

En solidaridad,

Su equipo de negociación sindical


Xin chào các thành viên công đoàn SMH,

(tiếng Bosnia, tiếng Somali, tiếng Việt, tiếng Tây Ban Nha và tiếng Amharic bên dưới)

Liên kết chính:

Video Thỏa thuận Bổ sung (tiếng Anh có phụ đề): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SFLqjIXepwHb72mu7IYTzLjYppgGyDbK/view?usp=sharing

Vídeo del Acuerdo Suplementario (Tây Ban Nha): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EEIS884qkk0AZnkLba7MU9JWzms-MqUf/view?usp=sharing

Video Heshiiska Kabka Ah (Soomali): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aR73eSQGhyNnE5cj1pENUwjylpjIMhHQ/view?usp=drive_link

Ghi lại phiên thông tin về thỏa thuận bổ sung có phụ đề: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18CbFBNvPxfnS8skyNWw-lKm62L-T2VEt/view?usp=drive_link

Mẫu cam kết đăng ký Picket: SMH Info Picket Commit (jotform.com)

Câu hỏi thường gặp về Google Drive với Thỏa thuận bổ sung bằng tiếng Anh, tiếng Soomali, tiếng Tây Ban Nha, tiếng Việt và tiếng Amharic: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tSIxteBKAadSo5rabU9O6V5-8_tBrjMR?usp=drive_link

Chúng tôi lại thương lượng vào ngày hôm qua 23/5 với người sử dụng lao động. Chúng tôi không vui khi phải thông báo rằng đó là một ngày cực kỳ khó chịu và thất vọng. Họ vẫn chưa giải quyết được các nhu cầu cốt lõi của chúng tôi và có những phản hồi tự động đối với câu chuyện của các thành viên của chúng tôi về những khó khăn trong bệnh viện cũng như mức độ ảnh hưởng của nó đến cuộc sống và sinh kế của mọi người. Đề xuất về lương của họthật xúc phạm - họ chỉ tăng 1% trong ba năm và đề xuất cuối cùng của họ là 3,5%, 1,5% và 1,5%. Chúng tôi biết rằng đây là lúc để chúng tôi nghiêm túc giải quyết áp lực của mình đối với nhà tuyển dụng và đó là lý do tại sao chúng tôi cần TẤT CẢ các bạn tham gia vào việc gây áp lực đó. Có hai sự kiện cực kỳ quan trọng sẽ diễn ra vào tuần tới và rất quan trọng để mọi người tham gia để thực hiện điều này.

Đầu tiên là buổi biểu diễn của chúng tôi dự kiến diễn ra vào Thứ Ba tuần tới, ngày 28 tháng 5, từ 2:30-5:30 chiều. Nếu bạn đang phân vân về việc đến, HÃY ĐẾN! Chúng tôi cần một sự thể hiện mạnh mẽ để Mayo biết rằng chúng tôi nghiêm túc và sẽ không lùi bước, đồng thời toàn bộ đơn vị thương lượng đứng sau yêu cầu của chúng tôi, rằng không chỉ có chúng tôi tại bàn nói những điều này. Bạn có thể đến trước hoặc sau giờ làm việc hoặc vào giờ nghỉthậm chí trong 15 phút! Nếu muốn có một hợp đồng tốt, chúng ta cần mọi người dành thời gian cho việc này! Đây là một cách quan trọng để thể hiện sức mạnh mà chúng tôi sẽ có nếu quyết định đình công trong tương lai sau hợp đồng tiếp theo nếu cuộc bỏ phiếu của chúng tôi về thỏa thuận bổ sung được thông qua (xem thêm về điều đó bên dưới). Cũng có một cuộc biểu tình lúc 3:45, vì vậy đó sẽ là thời điểm quan trọng sắp tới nếu bạn chỉ có thể đến một chút. Mang theo đồng nghiệp, gia đình và bạn bè của bạn! Tất cả đều được chào đón. Đây là link sự kiện trên facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/760986192770622/

Sự kiện quan trọng tiếp theo diễn ra vào tuần tới là cuộc bỏ phiếu của chúng tôi về việc liệu chúng tôi có muốn ký lại thỏa thuận bổ sung cho phép chúng tôi có quyền phân xử để đổi lấy quyền đình công hay không. Chúng tôi đã gửi thông tin về vấn đề này và phổ biến khắp bệnh viện, nhưng nếu bạn cần xem lại, hãy xem các liên kết ở trên ở đầu bản cập nhật này. Có quyền đình công là một công cụ cực kỳ quan trọng để người lao động gây áp lực buộc người sử dụng lao động phải làm điều đúng đắn. Ngay cả khi chúng tôi không đình công, mối đe dọa từ một nhóm mạnh và có tổ chức thậm chí đe dọa đình công thường là đủ để người sử dụng lao động đáp ứng yêu cầu của công đoàn. Đó là lý do tại sao nhóm thương lượng khuyến nghị mọi người bỏ phiếu KHÔNG để ký lại thỏa thuận bổ sung, điều này sẽ cho chúng ta quyền đình công trong tương lai.

Lá phiếu sẽ có nội dung "Bạn có ủng hộ việc ký thỏa thuận bổ sung không?" Các lựa chọn sẽ là “Có – giữ quyền trọng tài” và “Không – giành quyền đình công”. Nhóm thương lượng đang kêu gọi các thành viên công đoàn bỏphiếu KHÔNG để giành quyền đình công. Việc bỏ phiếu sẽ bắt đầu trên hàng rào vào ngày 28 tháng 5 từ 2:30-5:30 và sẽ bắt đầu lại vào ngày hôm sau, Thứ Tư, ngày 29 tháng 5, và sẽ diễn ra từ 6 giờ sáng - 9 giờ tối tại nhà ăn của nhân viên để chúng tôi có thể đảm nhiệm tất cả các ca . Cũng sẽ có cuộc bỏ phiếu tại MIC và tòa nhà 3939, thông tin thêm về điều đó sẽ được gửi đến những phân loại đó qua email Mayo của bạn. Điều cực kỳ quan trọng là MỌI NGƯỜI phải bỏ phiếu để cho Mayo thấy sức mạnh, sự quyết tâm cũng như sự sẵn sàng chiến đấu của chúng ta đểđạt được những gì chúng ta xứng đáng! Phải mất 3 phút thời gian của bạn để có tác động đến tương lai của chúng ta và tương lai của gia đình chúng ta.

Vui lòng dành thời gian xem qua các liên kết thông tin ở trên và nếu bạn có thêm câu hỏi, hãy liên hệ với các thành viên nhóm thương lượng đại diện cho phân loại của bạn!

PCA: Mike Szynal, Nicole Bacon, Deb Schwemmer, Karrie Ellingson, Kim Finley, Emily Pavon, Alonso Molina

SS SPT: Jen Santos Norgren, Joe Cortez, Kirsten Schultz

CST: Ashley Rohwer, Sam Bright, Kari Fitch

CS SPT: Torey Edwards, Alex Skudlarek

Vải lanh: Tracey Pollock

MIC: Brandon Acker, John Madsen

Người hộ tống: Kayla Mabe

Kỹ thuật viên EVS: Will Kleinhans, Abdisatar Bashir, Rachel Weaver

Người lao công: Deb Warehime, Cheryl Trần

Đoàn kết,

Nhóm thương lượng liên minh của bạn


ሰላም የSMH ህብረት አባላት፣

(ቦስኒያ፣ ሶማሊኛ፣ ቬትናምኛ፣ ስፓኒሽ እና አማርኛ ከታች)

ቁልፍ ማገናኛዎች፡

ተጨማሪ የስምምነት ቪዲዮ (እንግሊዝኛ ከግርጌ ጽሑፎች ጋር)፡https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SFLqjIXepwHb72mu7IYTzLjYppgGyDbK/view?usp=sharing

Vídeo del Acuerdo Suplementario (Español)፡ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EEIS884qkk0AZnkLba7MU9JWzms-MqUf/view?usp=sharing

ቪዲዮ ስምምነት Kabka Ah (Soomali): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aR73eSQGhyNnE5cj1pENUwjylpjIMhHQ/view?usp=drive_link

ተጨማሪ የስምምነት መረጃ ክፍለ ጊዜ ከመግለጫ ፅሁፎች ጋር መቅዳት፡https://drive.google.com/file/d/18CbFBNvPxfnS8skyNWw-lKm62L-T2VEt/view?usp=drive_link

የመርጃ መመዝገቢያ ቁርጠኝነት ቅጽ፡ SMH Info Picket Commit (jotform.com)

Google Drive ከተጨማሪ ስምምነት ጋር በእንግሊዘኛ፣ ሶሶድን፣ ስፓኒሽ፣ ቬትናምኛ እና አማርኛ የሚጠየቁ ጥያቄዎች፡https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tSIxteBKAadSo5rabU9O6V5-8_tBrjMR?usp=drive_link

በድጋሚ ትናንት 5/23 ከአሰሪው ጋር ድርድር ላይ ነበርን። በሚያስደንቅ ሁኔታ የሚያበሳጭ እና ተስፋ የሚያስቆርጥ ቀንመሆኑን ስንገልጽ ደስተኛ አይደለንም። አሁንም ዋና ፍላጎቶቻችንን እየፈቱ አይደለም፣ እና በሆስፒታል ውስጥ ነገሮችምን ያህል አስቸጋሪ እንደሆኑ እና በሰዎች ህይወት እና ኑሮ ላይ እንዴት እንደሚጎዳ ለአባሎቻችን ታሪኮች ሮቦታዊ ምላሾችአሏቸው። የእነሱ የደመወዝ ፕሮፖዛል ዘለፋ ነበር - በሶስት አመታት ውስጥ 1% ብቻ ጨምረዋል, እና የመጨረሻው ሀሳብ3.5%, 1.5% እና 1.5% ነበር. በአሰሪው ላይ የምናደርገውን ጫና በቁም ነገር የምንይዝበት ጊዜ አሁን እንደሆነ እና ለዚህምነው ጫና ለመፍጠር ሁላችሁም እንድትሳተፉ የምንፈልገው። በሚቀጥለው ሳምንት ሁለት በሚያስደንቅ ሁኔታ በጣምአስፈላጊ ክስተቶች እየተከሰቱ ነው እንደዚህ ያሉ፣ ይህን ለማድረግ ሰዎች እንዲሳተፉ በጣም አስፈላጊ ናቸው።

የመጀመሪያው ለሚቀጥለው ማክሰኞ፣ ግንቦት 28 ከጠዋቱ 2፡30-5፡30 ፒኤም የተዘጋጀ የእኛ ምርጫ ነው። ስለ መምጣትአጥር ላይ ከሆኑ፣ ና! ማዮ በቁም ነገር መሆናችንን እና ወደ ኋላ እንደማንል፣ እና የድርድር ክፍሉ በሙሉ ከጥያቄያችንበስተጀርባ እንዳለ ለማሳወቅ ጠንካራ ማሳያ ያስፈልገናል፣ እነዚህን ነገሮች የምንናገረው በጠረጴዛ ላይ ያለነው እኛ ብቻእንዳልሆንን ነው። ከስራ በፊት ወይም በኋላ፣ ወይም በእረፍትዎ ላይ ለ15 ደቂቃ እንኳን መምጣት ይችላሉ! ጥሩ ውልከፈለግን ሁሉም ሰው ለዚህ ጊዜ እንዲሰጥ እንፈልጋለን! በማሟያ ስምምነቱ ላይ ያለን ድምጽ ከተፈጸመ (ከዚህ በታችባለው ተጨማሪ) ከሚቀጥለው ኮንትራታችን በኋላ ወደፊት ለመምታት ከወሰንን ያለንን ጥንካሬ የምናሳይበት ጠቃሚመንገድ ነው። በ3፡45 ላይም ሰልፍ አለ፣ስለዚህ ለጥቂት ጊዜ ብቻ መምጣት ከቻሉ ያ አስፈላጊ ጊዜ ይሆናል። የስራባልደረቦችዎን፣ ቤተሰብዎን እና ጓደኞችዎን ያምጡ! ሁሉም እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ። የፌስቡክ ክስተት ሊንኩ ይኸውና፡https://www.facebook.com/events/760986192770622/

ቀጣዩ አስፈላጊ ክስተት በሚቀጥለው ሳምንት የሚካሄደው የሥራ ማቆም አድማ መብታችንን ለማስከበር የግልግልዳኝነት መብት የሚሰጠንን ተጨማሪ ስምምነት እንደገና ለመፈረም ወይም ላለመፈረም የምንሰጠው ድምጽ ነው።ስለዚህ ጉዳይ መረጃ እየላክን በሆስፒታሉ ዙሪያ እናሰራጨዋለን፣ ነገር ግን መገምገም ካስፈለገዎት በዚህ ማሻሻያ አናትላይ ያሉትን ማገናኛዎች ይመልከቱ። የሥራ ማቆም መብት ማግኘቱ ሠራተኞቹ ትክክለኛውን ነገር እንዲያደርጉበአሠሪዎች ላይ ጫና የሚያደርጉበት እጅግ በጣም አስፈላጊ መሣሪያ ነው። እኛ ባናመታም ፣የጠንካራ እና የተደራጀቡድን ማስፈራራት አድማ ማስፈራራት እንኳን ብዙ ጊዜ አሰሪው የማህበርን ፍላጎት ለማሟላት በቂ ነው። ለዚያም ነውየድርድር ቡድኑ ሰዎች NO ድምጽ እንዲሰጡ የሚመክረው ተጨማሪ ስምምነቱን እንደገና ለመፈረም ነው ይህምወደፊት አድማ የማድረግ መብት ይሰጠናል።

የድምጽ መስጫው “ተጨማሪ ስምምነቱን መፈረም ትደግፋለህ?” ይላል። አማራጮቹ "አዎ - የግልግል መብትንይጠብቁ" እና "አይ - የመምታት መብትን ያግኙ" ይሆናሉ. ተደራዳሪው ቡድን የስራ ማቆም አድማ የማድረግ መብትንለማግኘት የሰራተኛ ማህበር አባላት NO ድምጽ እንዲሰጡ እያሳሰበ ነው። ድምጽ መስጠት በምርጫ መስመር በ5/28 ከ2፡30-5፡30 ይጀመራል እና በሚቀጥለው ቀን ረቡዕ ግንቦት 29 ይጀመራል እና ከጠዋቱ 6 ሰአት እስከ 9 ሰአት በሰራተኛካፍቴሪያ ስለሚሆን ሁሉንም ፈረቃዎች መሸፈን እንችላለን። . እንዲሁም በMIC እና በ3939 ህንፃ ላይ ድምጽይሰጣል፣በዚያ ላይ ተጨማሪ መረጃ ወደ ማዮ ኢሜልዎ ይላካል። ለግንቦት ኃይላችንን እና ቁርጠኝነታችንን እና የሚገባንንለማግኘት ለመታገል ያለንን ፈቃደኝነት ለማሳየት ሁሉም ሰው ድምጽ ለመስጠት መውጣቱ በሚያስደንቅ ሁኔታ አስፈላጊነው! በወደፊታችን እና በቤተሰቦቻችን የወደፊት ህይወት ላይ ተጽእኖ ለመፍጠር 3 ደቂቃዎችን ይወስዳል።

እባኮትን ከላይ ያሉትን የመረጃ አገናኞች ለማለፍ ጊዜ ውሰዱ እና ተጨማሪ ጥያቄዎች ካሉዎት የእርስዎን ምደባዎችየሚወክሉትን የድርድር ቡድን አባላትን ያግኙ።

PCAs፡ Mike Szynal፣ Nicole Bacon፣ Deb Schwemmer፣ Karrie Ellingson፣ Kim Finley፣ Emily Pavon፣ Alonso Molina

SS SPTs: ጄን ሳንቶስ ኖርሬን, ጆ ኮርቴዝ, ኪርስተን ሹልትዝ

CSTs፡- አሽሊ ሮህወር፣ ሳም ብራይት፣ ካሪ ፊች

CS SPTs: Torey ኤድዋርድስ, አሌክስ Skudlarek

ተልባ: ትሬሲ Pollock

MIC: ብራንደን Acker, ጆን ማድሰን

አጃቢዎች፡ ኬይላ ማቤ

EVS Techs: Will Kleinhans, Abdisatar Bashir, Rachel Weaver

የጽዳት ሠራተኞች፡ ዴብ ዋሬሂሜ፣ ሼሪል ትራን


የእርስዎ ህብረት ድርድር ቡድን

Bargaining Update - May 15, 2024

Hello SMH Union members,

Key Links

Supplemental Agreement Video (English with subtitles): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SFLqjIXepwHb72mu7IYTzLjYppgGyDbK/view?usp=sharing

Vídeo del Acuerdo Suplementario (Español): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EEIS884qkk0AZnkLba7MU9JWzms-MqUf/view?usp=sharing

Video Heshiiska Kabka Ah (Soomali):


We also have videos in Spanish and Somali, and will have videos in Bosnian, Amharic, and Vietnamese coming soon so that everyone in our diverse union can participate.

Supplemental Agreement Questions Form: https://forms.gle/TChuC3Y4U1maXFpA8

Picket sign up commitment form: SMH Info Picket Commit (jotform.com)

We have an update for you on how bargaining went with the employer on Monday, May 13th. Unfortunately we don’t have much to report. We were only able to do one pass of proposals from each side through the day. We were hoping to do one more by the end of the day and the bargaining team was prepared to stay as long as was necessary since this is what we were elected by you, our coworkers, to do and we are committed to that. However, the employer did not feel the same way as us and instead chose to end the day at 5:30 and start again next Thursday, May 23rd. In their one proposal that they put across the table, they still did not progress in agreeing to our core demands of caps on mandatory overtime, better training programs, floating holidays, or restrictions on temporary/traveling staff. They also only came up .5% in the third year of their wage proposal. It was insulting. Additionally, we were chastised for sharing our stories with the media and with the public about what is really going on at Mayo Clinic. It is clear to us that they care more about how they are viewed in the public eye than how they are viewed by their own employees who are the ones taking care of patients day in and day out and making the hospital run.

We know that now is the time for us to increase the pressure on the employer, and in order to do that we need the involvement of every member of our bargaining unit. There is only so much that can be done at the table – our real strength comes from all of us as a whole acting together as a union. We are moving forward with our plans for an informational picket at St. Mary’s on Tuesday, May 28th from 2:30pm-5:30pm. Please make every effort to turn out on the line with us! Whether it is before or after work, on your day off, or even for 15 minutes on your break, the amount of participation from union members makes all the difference in what happens at the table and each and every one of you plays an extremely important part in that. You can sign up to commit to coming to the picket on the form linked above. Please share with your coworkers, family, and friends!

We are also moving forward with a plan for something that has never been done before in the history of the union at St. Mary’s Hospital. We currently have something in place that we call the “supplemental agreement”. You can find it on page 57 of our contract. What it says is that we have the right to go to arbitration if we are not able to reach an agreement with the employer at the table. The entails taking our arguments to a panel of three arbitrators who then look at our proposals, the employers proposals, take into account internal and external factors at Mayo Clinic and healthcare as a whole in the state of Minnesota, and then they issue a binding decision and impose a contract on us and Mayo. There are many benefits to having this option, one of the main ones being that it guarantees the safety of aspects of our union difference such as the pension. In return for the right to arbitrate, we give up our right to strike for one full year after the expiration of the contract. Since we always settle the contract before that year is up, this essentially means that we do not have the right to strike. For many years, this has not been an issue as Mayo in the past has taken care of their employees and the Rochester community. But as we know now, the tides have turned and Mayo Clinic is not the employer that they used to be. This has prompted the bargaining team to have the discussion on whether or not we want to re-sign the supplemental agreement in this round of negotiations. Because this is such an important and historic issue, the team believes that we need to have you, the membership, vote on whether or not we should sign the supplemental agreement and gain the right to strike. The options are to 1. Yes, sign the supplemental agreement and preserve the right to arbitrate, and 2. No, do not sign the supplemental agreement and gain the right to strike. The vote will begin on the picket line on 5/28 from 2:30-5:30, and will continue the next day 5/29 from 6am-9pm at St. Mary’s, location details to be announced. We will have the votes tallied that night and will know the results before we go back to the table with the employer the following day 5/30.

Over the next two weeks we will be holding information sessions in person and over Zoom to talk with members about what all of this means. We will also be sharing FAQs and other information over you emails so please keep an eye out for that. We want everyone to feel comfortable and informed as they cast their vote in this important decision. We have made some videos to talk briefly about this subject, you can find the links above. In the coming days we will have videos also in Somali, Spanish, Bosnian, and hopefully more languages so that everyone in our diverse union can participate. The English video also has captions to make it more accessible. Please share these videos widely with your coworkers! There is also a link above that goes to a form that you can fill out with questions that you have. We will take these questions and answer them in our info sessions and in the FAQs.

The bargaining team has voted that they are recommending that SEIU members vote NO and gain our right to strike. This does not mean that we will be striking, only that we will have the right too, and often times the threat of striking is strong enough to put the employer in a place where they are forced to meet our demands of a fair, equitable, and safe working environment with good wages that allow us to take care of ourselves and our families. We know that there is power when we stand together, we know that as workers we are the ones who make this hospital run, and without us there is no Mayo Clinic. This is our strongest tool.

We are also still looking for members to join our Contract Action Team (CAT)! This group will be helping to plan the picket and get the word out for the supplemental agreement vote so it is important we have as many people participate as possible! The next meeting will be on Monday, May 20th. Hybrid meetings will be held at 12:00PM as well as at 5:30PM, with a virtual option on Zoom (https://seiuhcmn.zoom.us/j/81195461998) and an in-person option at the Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council (2443 Clare Ln NE #200, Rochester, MN 55906, in the former Social Security Building). Please reach out to SEIU organizer Bella at arabella.childers@seiuhcmnia.org for more information.

Please stay tuned for more updates and information, and we will see you on the picket line!

In solidarity,

Your Union bargaining team

Bargaining Update - May 8, 2024

Hello SMH union members,

We met with the Mayo bargaining team yesterday, May 7th. We began the day with the employer putting their proposal across the table, but we were disappointed that they still did not give us their preliminary wage proposal. Despite our frustrations, the team held firm and we told the employer that we would no longer be able to move forward until they provided us with a wage proposal. Because the team held strong and pushed, the employer came back and decided that they would fulfill our request and bring us a proposal. We are very happy about this development so that we are able to continue to progress in bargaining.

The employer’s initial proposal is just that, initial. This is not their final offer and is not something that will be agreed upon. They offered 3% for the first year of the contract, and 1% each year for the subsequent years. Although this is insulting, we know that this is higher than they have ever started with us in negotiations and we are very confident that they will continue to move closer to us. We are standing firm in our commitment to a $20 minimum wage for all members from the start, pay equity for groups like PCAs and SPTs that are close to $3 an hour below people in the Cities doing the exact same jobs, and proportional raises for everyone else that reflect our current economic realities. We are also standing firm on language that puts caps on mandatory overtime and additional hours, better language around training, floating holidays, shoe allowances for all, and that regulates issues around travelers in the surgery department.

We are hoping that Mayo will be doing the right thing in the next bargaining sessions, but if we don’t get what we need we are prepared to hold an informational picket on May 28th at the hospital to show Mayo that we as a group will not be backing down. For more information and to sign up to commit to attending the picket check out the following link: SMH Info Picket Commit (jotform.com)

We will be meeting at the table again next Monday, May 13th and will have an update for you all following that meeting. In the meantime, we need more people to join the Contract Action Team (CAT) in order to put outside pressure on Mayo to do the right thing. Please reach out to SEIU organizer Bella at arabella.childers@seiuhcmnia.org to get involved.

In solidarity,

Your Union Bargaining Team

Bargaining Update - April 30, 2024

Hello SMH union members,

The bargaining team met with Mayo’s negotiation team last Thursday. In addition to their regular negotiators, Chris Dvorak and Jeff Zahnle from labor relations, they were also joined by Amber Werkis from Surgical Services leadership and Joellen Frain from HR leadership. It was a frustrating day for the bargaining team. We unfortunately made little progress on our core demands of overtime protections, better training, floating holidays, and wages. The employer still has not provided a counter to our wage proposal that we put forward at our last meeting, and they claimed that they would not be giving us a counter until we made more progress on our core demands (by this they mean moving away from our language or dropping it altogether). We also spent a significant amount of time discussing temporary workers (travelers) and the issues that result from Mayo’s reliance on them instead of investing in existing employees. We find this absolutely insulting and potentially not bargaining in good faith (a legal term) and will not allow them to bully the group into doing what they expect from us, which is to sit down and be quiet. We are disappointed that they are not engaging with us in a meaningful way. We were also hoping that having higher ups in Mayo leadership present would mean that they would make more progress with us since those people have more power to approve the changes we are demanding, but there was very little participation from them in the conversations at the table.

We are meeting at the table again next Tuesday, May 7th. We hope to make more progress on that day and will be joined by a federal mediator to help us work better together. In the meantime, we need more people to join the Contract Action Team (CAT) in order to put outside pressure on Mayo to do the right thing. Please reach out to SEIU organizer Bella at arabella.childers@seiuhcmnia.org to get involved.

In solidarity,

Your Union bargaining team

Bargaining Update - April 10, 2024

Hi SMH union members,

We had a productive day in bargaining yesterday, 4/11. We were able to block some takeaways that the employer wanted to have us agree to, and we were able to make some progress on some of our demands. Namely, we are holding on our commitment to increase the uniform and shoe allowance and make them available to all employees regardless of FTE (for uniform allowance) and classification (shoe allowance). The employer has moved on increasing those amounts but not to the point that we need. We are also holding on better overtime language, longevity benefits, and improving training practices.

We will be introducing wage proposals next week at our next session on Thursday, April 16th. We will keep everyone posted as we move forward with that part of our bargaining fight.

If you are interested in contributing to the bargaining process, please join the contract action team! Contact organizer Arabella Childers at arabella.childers@seiuhcmnia.org.

Thanks so much,

Your SMH bargaining team

Bargaining Update - March 28, 2024

Hello SMH union members!

We have an update from how bargaining went on Tuesday 3/26. We are making progress on some of our proposals, however we have yet to make progress on some of our core demands of better training process and managing mandatory overtime. We are getting closer on uniform allowances but still aren’t there yet on pieces that we are holding on like shoe allowances. We haven’t gotten to the point yet of introducing wage proposals since that comes after we have made enough progress on non-economic proposals. We have scheduled three additional meetings at the table for 4/9, 4/18, and 4/25. We will continue to keep you all updated and informed!

We also have a petition to support our bargaining priorities, please sign that here if you haven’t yet! It is open to all union members as well as non-union employees and community supporters. SMH Demands Petition (jotform.com)

Our next Contract Action Team (CAT) meeting will be next week on Tuesday, April 2nd at 12:00PM and 5:30PM. The CAT is open to all union members and will be held in a hybrid format; it will be in-person at our Rochester office space at the Southeast Area Labor Council (2443 Clare Ln NE #200, Rochester MN 55906 in the former Social Security building). There will also be an option to join via Zoom at this link: https://seiuhcmn.zoom.us/j/81195461998. Please jump into the Contract Action Team and get involved if you want to help your bargaining team get the best contract we possibly can!

Thanks and solidarity,

Your SMH bargaining team

Bargaining Update - March 18, 2024

Hello SMH union members,

Last Thursday the bargaining team met with Mayo Clinic’s bargaining team for our 2024 contract negotiations. Things are moving along and we are making progress. As this point in negotiations we don’t talk about wages as that is usually the last thing that is addressed. Right now we are focusing on improving our overtime language, break language, shift differentials, uniform and shoe allowances, and holidays.

We are meeting again this Thursday, March 21st and will continue to update the bargaining unit as we go.

We also got a tentative agreement for the one year wage increase at Methodist last week. You can view the details of that here: https://www.seiuhcmnia.org/campaigns/mayo-methodist-bargaining/

If you want to get involved and help support your bargaining team to get the best contract we can, the Contract Action Team (CAT) is meeting this Friday, March 22nd at 12:00pm and 5:30pm.

We will be in person at our Rochester office space shared with the Southeast Area Labor Council - the address is 2443 Clare Ln NE #200, Rochester, MN 55906. We will also have a hybrid virtual option on Zoom which can be accessed here.

In solidarity,

Your SMH bargaining team

Bargaining Update - February 29, 2024

Hi everyone,

On February 29th we had our first day of negotiations with Mayo for our 2024-2026 contract at Saint Mary’s. There were three passes of proposals in total, two from us and one from the employer. 

There is so much we want to address this year in bargaining, too much to summarize here in this update. However some of the highlights for our priorities include wages, mandated overtime, and trainings.We made it clear as we introduced our proposals that we want to work with the employer to get a good contract done as quickly as possible. We began with mostly “non-economic” proposals, hoping to get some of the things without a specific price tag out of the way and build some momentum. 

We are just getting started and there is much more bargaining to do – and we need your help! If you find yourself wanting to support your coworkers on the Bargaining Team and build pressure on Mayo, now is a great time to mark your calendar for the first Contract Action Team meeting, which will be held on Friday, March 8th. Look out for a separate invitation next week.

Our next days of negotiations will be March 14th, March 21st, and March 26th. You can expect to get more updates as we move forward towards the contract that we deserve!

In solidarity,
Your SEIU Bargaining Team at SMH

Bargaining Priorities Survey

Bargaining Team Nomination Form

You must be a member in good standing to fill out the survey and nominations form. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do that here.